Conveyor Belts

There are two parallel conveyor belts pushing, each, a sequence of products of varying value and type. Each conveyor belt can advance as far as you like but cannot move backwards. If, at the edge of the conveyors, there are two compatible products, i.e., two products with the same type, you got a pair and you can take both products together from the conveyor belts. The value of a pair is the sum of the two product values.

For reasons unknown, every product falling from a conveyor without being taken as part of a pair cannot be reused.


Given two product sequences, return the maximum possible value you can take and the minimum number of pairs necessary to achieve it.


The first line is an integer with the number of test samples. For each sample, the next line has the number of products of the first conveyor belt. Then, on each line, from first to last product, comes each product information: product name (a string), product type (an uppercase char) and product value (an integer). The same format follows to describe the products of the second conveyor belt.


For each sample, a line consisting of: the maximum possible value, one space, the minimum number of pairs, a newline.


Input example

nail B 5000
spoon A 1200
orange C 5
nail B 50
fork A 50000
hammer B 10
apple C 600
zorg X 500
xylf Y 50
krypt Z 450
xylf Y 50
tonite Z 450
lum X 500
a b 1

Output example

51805 2
1000 1
0 0

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